was a huge thunder and lightning storm last night, but still no rain. The
thunder was so loud, it sounded like an airplane was driving through the house,
I kept waiting to smell smoke. Today the sky is ominous, everyone is hoping for
went on a hike yesterday evening and scaled our way to the pinnacle of a rocky
cliff. It was scary, but made for a good adrenaline rush. You could see for
miles despite the dry dustiness and the pre-rain fires that are set
purposefully for the new crop season. I kept my eyes out for snakes, but all we
ran into was lots and lots of longhorns.
weekend I was consulted on a 2 wk baby with a 1kg weight loss (2kgà 1kg)
since birth, poor feeding, and lethargy. The baby’s blood sugar was so high
that it was unreadable on our machines, but after many many boluses the blood
sugar finally read as 900. It was the first time I’ve ever started insulin on a
newborn, so I had to consult the NICU back home for some Neofax guidelines. My
guess is that it is all secondary to sepsis, but I was reading that there is an
entity of neonatal diabetes but it is exceedingly rare. I wrote out step by
step instructions for the deer-eyed overnight resident, but I didn’t expect the
baby to survive through the night. Also, Na 171, K 8.5, Cl139, BUN 281, Cr 4.4.
Surprisingly not the worst electrolytes I’ve seen since coming here, but pretty
darn close. Imagine my surprise when the baby was looking better in the morning
and even able to eat by mouth! Today the baby’s blood sugar is around ~100, but the electrolytes are still pretty abysmal. We started somewhat of a manufactured insulin
drip with comes to ~0.1u/h, which we have weaned this morning.
I am hoping that it is all due to sepsis and will eventually self-resolve
because it will be a nightmare trying to manage neonatal diabetes in this setting.
was another 3 day old baby girl who came in yesterday, floppy and lethargic,
who died before we could even get an IV in her. She had been born at home and
hadn’t been well since birth. You can start to understand why mothers are
hesitant to name their babies until they are a couple weeks old.
It was
nice to be back in the community today. There was a lot of “Good
morning Dokitah Britt-anee, You are welcome back”. Rudolf is still here, has
some osteomyelitis of the hip and the family is working on raising money for
his huge bills. It is nice to see his smile. I called my grandfather over the
weekend and his home attendant who is from Ghana answered the phone. He said “how
do you like Africa?” I told him that it is beautiful and the people are really
nice and welcoming. He said that he was glad to finally hear someone say some
positive things about Africa, as it often gets so much bad press about being
dangerous and poor and scary.
there are obviously some very dangerous parts of Africa, the Africa that I have
experienced here in Mbingo is filled with good morning smiles, invitations to
family homes, welcomings into churches, shared meals with strangers, parades of
children on hikes, and music in every corner of the countryside. Of course the
hospital is filled with death and despair, but outside of its walls is a
beautiful place. The people here are so grateful for the existence of a
hospital in their midst, there is no one that takes that fact for granted. They
will thank you for doing a spinal tap or bone marrow biopsy at the bedside,
just as soon as they will invite you into their family home.
said that the children ward was not so busy last week, but sure enough I walked
in today and every bed was filled. And the kids are VERY SICK.
Bed 1: 1.5yoF with
vomiting and abdominal pain x2 days, mass in LUQ. ? Intussusception
Plan: Repeat abdominal ultrasound- Go to OR
Bed 2: 4mosM with
cough, fever, increased work of breathing x3 days. Transfused x1 at OSH
(Hgb5.9), + hepatosplenomegaly. ?Lipoma over left rib cage?
Plan: Supportive care for bronchiolitis. Chem10, coags, sickling
test. Abdominal US for HSM and rib mass. Start Fe.
Bed 3: 13yoF with
AIDS, CD4 count 4, severe HA and vomiting x1 week. LP shows cryptococcal
meningitis. On ARVs x1 mos, Bactrim PPX
Plan: Continue Amphotericin, therapeutic LPs when complains of
HA, monitor fever curve, other symptoms
Bed 4: 1yoM with
vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, s/p transfusion x1 for Hgb 4.0. Sickle neg.
Likely AGE. Why such anemia?
Plan: Repeat Hgb, ORS, continue supportive care for viral AGE.
Start Fe.
Bed 5: 10yoM with
fever, cough, tachycardia x4 days, also recurrent epistaxis. CXR with R upper
and L upper consolidations
Plan: Continue O2. Ceftriaxone and erythro for CAP, will send
aspirate for AFB and place PPD. Follow up Code Status.
Bed 6: 2yoF with
persistent fever and FTT. Has been treated by multiple antibiotics in past, as
well as antimalarials. Currently on Clinda and Bactrim and Day #2 of TB treatment.
Suspect immunodeficiency disorder.
Plan: Will continue TB treatment x1 wk. We are not providing
anything new for this child and parents have very large bill. Consider
discharge after trial of TB meds.
Bed 7: 3yoF with R
leg pyomyositis, s/p I&D. Now afebrile on Clox and Clinda.
Plan: D/c home with continued dressing changes and antibiotics.
Bed 8: 14yo with
fevers, huge splenomegaly, pancytopenia. Failed antibiotics, Antimalarials, TB treatment.
Bone marrow biopsy inconclusive, Hgb persistently 4.0 following transfusions.
Is leaving AMA today.
Bed 9: 14yoF with
anemia, bone pain, generalized weakness x3 mos. Has had 4 transfusions in the
past, Pancytopenia with CBC last night showing WBC 2.5, Hgb 2.2, Plts 1. Now
s/p transfusion x2.
Plan: Bone marrow biopsy once platelets >15k. Send peripheral
blood smear and aspirate.
Bed 10: Chemotherapy
Bed 12: 15yoM with
abdominal pain and post-prandial vomiting x2 days. ? scleral icterus. AlkPh
646, bili 6.6. AGE versus gastritis, ?superimposed liver injury secondary to
traditional medicine?
Plan: Ranitidine. Send LFTs. Abdominal ultrasound
Bed 14: 10yoM with
neurodevelopmental delay and full body contractures, present since age 7 after
child had seizures x3 days and did not seek medical care (previously normal).
Here for PT, also with fever and seizures. Loaded with phenytoin and continued
on home phenobarb. Treating also for UTI. Now with cough and concern for
aspirations PNA despite CXR WNL
Plan: Continue PT, Flagyl, Cefixime. Follow up antiepileptic
Bed 15: 8yoF with
abdominal pain, fever, and cough x 3 weeks. Febrile with loud holosystolic
murmur (new?). + Hepatosplenomegaly with tenderness over liver. Crackles at
lung bases bilaterally, 2+ pitting edema of lower extremities bilaterally.
Electrolytes ok. Abd ultrasound shows severely congested liver. ECHO show all
chambers dilated with severe mitral and tricuspid regurg and significant calcification
of the aortic valve. EKG LVH. EF 69%
Plan: ASA, IV Lasix. Start Digoxin? Need to research this more.
Talk to Sinai Cards?
Bed 16: 2 wk F with
choanal atresia- seen by ENT, can’t determine membranous vs bony.
Plan: Send to Bamenda today for CT scan.
Bed 17: 2 wk F with
suspected sepsis and severe hyperglycemia, s/p insulin drip. Still with
significant electrolyte derrangements, though better appearing today. Na 183, K
6.4, BUN 245, Cr 3.6, Gluc 109
Plan: Switch fluids to D5 ½ NS and continue to monitor FS q3h.
Need to think more about this one. Repeat Chem10.
Bed 18: Rudolf. Has
been discharged but parents working on paying bill. Continue PT while here.
Bed 19: 11
day old male with irritability x1 wk, here with dehydrations and electrolyte
derrangements. Na 161, K 5.5 BUN 98, Cr 0.7. CSF WNL. Baby improved-appearing.
Continue amp/gent, repeat Chem10
Bed 20:
3mosF with suspected HIV, being treated here for CAP, PCP. Persistently hypoxic
despite treatment with Bactrim and steroids. WHY?????
Bed 5-2: 11yoF with
severe mitral valve regurgitation in severe decompensated heart failure. Needs
surgery but family can’t afford it. On Captopril, Lasix, ASA. +HSM, b/l pitting
edema. Very ill-appearing.
Plan: IV Lasix stat, continue home meds. Follow up CMP.