Saturday, February 7, 2015

A Slight Detour

If you're going to miss a connecting flight, you might as well miss it in Paris...

Plane was delayed 4 hours in JFK due to maintenance issues, but we decided to fly to Paris anyways even if it meant we were likely to miss our connecting flight-- which we did. Thanks to AirFrance, we got free lunch, dinner, and breakfast and our own separate hotel rooms for free. Not bad. Spent the day exploring Paris in the freezing cold, taking in the sites. Had a delicious dinner filled with crepes and wine, a little jet-lagged but happy to sleep in a warm bed. Tomorrow we wake up early to catch a flight to Douala--we've been warned that the airport is a bit of a zoo, but we'll see. We spend the night in Douala and then take an 8hr drive to Mbingo the following day because it's not safe to drive at night. So we will eventually be on-site on Monday afternoon/evening...
Just for reference sake, we fly into Douala, then on Monday we drive to Bamenda. This is another city and this is where we will be doing most of the research/data crunching, etc. I will be staying on a hospital compound in Mbingo which is about 45 minutes from the Bamenda site and is where Mbingo Baptist Hospital is located-- the hospital in which I will be working on the children's ward.

Template:Location <b>map</b> <b>Cameroon</b>/doc


  1. cool place for a detour! Love this blog already! haha good luck today britt, Love you!

  2. thanks for the update! paris for a day sounds amazing! sending good vibes for safe and easy travels the rest of the way!! xo
